We get asked the same questions each season, so rather than answering everyone individually, we have put together this FAQs page to save time.


Kits FAQs
Fees FAQs
Places in Teams FAQs
Manager/Coach FAQs

Kits FAQs

Q: What happens if I lose or damage my kit?
A: You will have to reimburse the club for the cost of replacement kit.

Q: Do I get to keep any kit when my child leaves the club?
A: No, all kit must be returned in good condition if you leave the club. You have free use of kit for as long as you're with the club and paying subs.

Q: Do I get to keep my kit when the team gets new kit?
A: No, all kit must be returned in good condition if the team gets new kit. This is so that it can be re-used by other teams.

Q: Do I have to pay for kit?
Players in teams get free use of a match kit and/or training kit, and this is paid for by the parents on the team finding a sponsor. We find that those that are prepared to put in the effort to ask around will usually be okay finding a sponsor. If a team can't find a sponsor, the parents can fundraise instead (football scratch cards, bag packing, sponsored walks, etc). If they'd rather not spend the time fundraising, they're welcome to contribute the sponsorship cost between themselves to pay for the kit, and they can then choose a charity or good cause to donate the free sponsorship spot to.

Q: Don't my monthly subs pay for the kit?
A: No, see the Fees FAQs for more information about this.

Fees FAQs

Q: What do the Annual Registration Fees and Monthly Subs pay for?
These pay towards the running of each team - County FA affiliation fees, Public Liability Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, CRB Checks, coach qualifications, league registration fees, league fees, referee fees, training venue hire, training equipment, awards presentation venue hire, awards presentation trophies, and other general administration fees.

Q: Do I get a refund if training sessions or matches are called off?
No, no refunds are given. We expect training sessions and matches to be called off for all sorts of reasons (bad weather, games postponed, teams pulling out, illness, etc), so we take this into account when working out what the fees are each year. The club will usually have training venue hire and league fees to pay even when the games are called off.

Q: Is there a subs discount if I have more than one child playing for the club?
A: If you have 3 children at the club paying subs, the monthly subs for one of the children is free. The free child is the one who has the lowest subs, or the youngest if they're all paying the same amount. Each child still has to pay the annual registration fee though. We don't have any discounts on monthly subs for 2 children at the moment we're afraid.

Q: I forgot to stop my monthly standing order the May payment went out. Will I get a refund?
A: Yes, we will reimburse you for any over-payments. Cancel your standing order and get in touch with us ASAP if this happens. Our Treasurer will then check to see if and by how much you have overpaid and will sort out the refund.

Q: If I'm on holiday, will I get a refund on my subs for the time that I'm away?
A: No, there's no refunds given on monthly subs if you're away on holiday.

Q: I don't like having monthly standing orders. Can I pay the subs in one lump sum for the entire season instead?
A: Yes, this is fine.

Q: If I pay the subs in one lump sum for the entire season, then leave part-way through the season, will I get any money back?
A: As long as you've returned all your kit in good condition, you will be refunded for the full months you have remaining in the season (September to May).

Q: Can I pay my monthly subs in cash or by cheque?
A: No, we no longer accept cash or cheque payments for monthly subs. All subs should be paid monthly by standing order or as a single up-front lump sum payment for the season. This reduces the admin workload for our committee members and managers.

Q: What happens if I fall behind on paying the monthly subs?
A: The manager will speak to you about this. If we don't get assurances from you about the subs being paid, you will be asked to stop attending training and/or matches and the player's place will be given to someone else. We have a long enquiry list of players that want to join our teams so it's not fair on them, or players that do pay, if we don't enforce our monthly subs.

Q: Can a player play or train without paying any subs?
A: Unfortunately, no. We're a voluntary non-profit organisation, so can't afford to subsidise subs for non-paying players. We wish the club didn't have to charge any subs at all, but it has to cover a lot of expenses. Any outstanding subs have to be paid for from our budgets for training venue hire, equipment costs, league fees, pitch hire, tournament fees, training kits costs, match kit costs, awards presentation costs, trophy costs, etc, which would adversely affect our teams and players.

Places in Teams FAQs

Q: Do you have trials for your teams?
A: We only have trials for kids in the older age groups. For kids in the younger age groups, we like to create as many teams as we have players and managers available for. We want kids of all abilities to play and enjoy football, though we find that it works best when teams have players of a similar ability (whatever that ability is), as the players will then develop together as a team.

Q: Is my child guaranteed a place in a team?
A: No, nobody is guaranteed a place in a team. Individual managers have responsibility for picking and choosing who is in their team each season. They will do this based on a number of factors, with commitment to the club being a major one. It's also important that players and parents have a good relationship with the Manager.

Q: What happens if there's no Manager for a team?
A: The club will attempt to find a manager for each team. If the club can't find a manager, and no parents are willing to take up the role, the team won't be able to go ahead or continue, unfortunately. We will create and maintain as many teams as we have Managers and players for.

Q: What happens if there's not enough players for a team?
A: If there's not enough players for a team, the club will attempt to find additional players. Parents will be asked to help with this too. If not enough players are found, the team won't be able to go ahead or continue, unfortunately. We will create and maintain as many teams as we have Managers and players for.

Q: I really want my child to play for Ormskirk FC but all your teams are full. What can I do?
A: We will create and maintain as many teams as we have Managers and players for. If our teams are full, we can put you on our enquiry list for when places become available. If you're interested in managing a new team, we can support you in this and try to put a team together with you.

Q: If a player is on the enquiry list, does this guarantee them a place in a team when places become available?
A: Unfortunately, no. We usually have lots of players on enquiry lists, so we can't fit everyone in. Also, Managers often sign players that they know personally through friends and family too. But we do go through our enquiry list when places become available and lots of places are given out through this.

Q: Your teams are full, so is there an option for my child to train with a team instead?
A: This is at the individual Manager's discretion, as teams have different capacities at training. We also recommend that kids find clubs with places in teams to play matches as a first preference, as they'll develop more that way. If we're full, and if we have room to have players coming to training only, then we can offer this. The subs for players that go to training only can be seen on the Club Fees page.

Q: If my child has been training with a team, does that guarantee them a place in a team?
A: Unfortunately not. Places in teams are awarded at the individual Manager's discretion.

Manager & Coaches FAQs

Q: Do Managers and Coaches get paid?
A: No, these positions are completely voluntary, just like all our Committee members are voluntary too.

Q: How can I Manage a team when I don't have the time?
A: 99% of the parents we ask to manage a team will tell us they don't have the time. The only time that is needed is the same time that they may already spend in bringing their child to training and matches anyway. It's not the time that's usually an issue, it's usually the level of commitment and responsibility that is needed that is the issue.

Q: Do Managers have to pay for their CRB checks?
A: No, the club will pay for these (they cost about £10). Our Welfare Officer will email you the instructions on how to complete this online. It only takes about 10 minutes to fill the form in, then you need to show or message a photo of your proof of ID to them.

Q: Do Managers need to have coaching experience to Manager a team?
A: No, no coaching experience is needed. The club will give you full guidance and support. The only thing that is needed is that you're keen, well organised, are good with kids, are reliable and committed.

Q: Do Managers have to pay for their FA Level 1 or any other coaching qualifications?
A: No, the club will pay for the FA Level 1 for each Manager, as long as the Manager will commit to managing for a full season with us. If they leave before then, then the club will ask for the cost for this is reimbursed (this is to stop coaches saying they will manage a team to get a free coaching qualification, then leaving to go elsewhere as soon as they've done it - it's rare, but we've been stung by this in the past).

Q: Do Managers have to handle the subs from players in their teams?
A: No, we don't accept cash subs anyway! All players should have standing orders setup so the Manager doesn't have to worry about this.

Q: Do the Managers have pay for their own training equipment?
A: No, the club pays for this. This club will give each manager a standard set of equipment to use for as long as they're with us, and this includes balls, cones, a ball bag, a first aid kit, a whistle, and some bibs.

Q: Do the Managers have to pay for their own coaching kit?
A: No, the club pays for this. Each Manager/Coach will get a free training kit and jacket to use for as long as they're with us.

Q: Do the Managers have to pay for training venue hire?
A: No, the club will pay for this via a monthly block booking invoice so you don't have to worry about it.

Q: Do the Managers have to pay for referee fees at matches?
A: Some leagues insist that referee fees are paid in cash on match days. When this happens, the Manager will have to pay these fees (usually £10 per match), and they can then claim this expense back from the Treasurer. The club is happy to give Managers a monthly kitty if they prefer to have this money in advance, so that they are never out of pocket.